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Passing This Way!

I cannot stop my thoughts from thinking about you still. I cannot will away memories of time I spent with you, until there was no time left. Mercilessness and unforgiving though the time is, I believe someday it will bring us together again; someday it will be like our yesterdays again. Someday when we walk into the evening sun, hand in hand, silent and swaying in the winds... I would take that leap of faith and kiss you. This time, I shall not wait for it to be dark again. Darkness lasts longer in this part of the world.

Thank You

If it were left to me I would have meandered my way Through these desolate shores and wiled my life away. Thank you for stopping by Stepping in and sharing a smile All the colors in my life Are colors that you left behind All the songs that I sing Are from thoughts that you left behind Not that the journey is shorter now Not that the roads are better Nor the destiny less unforgiving But the difference is I almost like this living! From Life in a Multiverse

Living with Reasons

What is life if it does not sustain, some memories from the time spent together? Why dream if they do not wake up with me and fill my each day, with thoughts of you? What is time if it would not bend and make way for someday some more time with you? Why have lived at all if it were in a life without you?

Dried Tamarind

Today I used the last of dried Tamarind my grandma packed for me two years ago. Two years ago, I did not foresee that she will no longer be there to pack me another consignment. Having lived alone almost all my life, going back home once a quarter was an absolute delight. Grandma would be waiting on the portico, sometime, she would not not sleep late into nights, waiting for her favorite grandson's footsteps to  alight. She would hug me and when she did, everything was all right. Tonight's fish curry tastes wonderful. Wonderful because the last sprinkle of tamarind adds to the spice. There will be this spice no more. Ah! fickle life!

Every One Has A Story To Tell

Everyone has a story to tell, it depends on who is listening. I close my eyes and think of the time I have spent with the people in my life. I have seen sorrow where smiles were first expressed, I have discovered joy behind pools of tears. In the long walks of life, every stranger that we meet, leave memories, write stories. I am yet to hear something original, something compulsively different from the rest of them; the masters have written it all in great books and brought to life in great movies; but that seldom matters. What matters is that everybody has a story to tell. Stories of conflicting desires, missed opportunities, gained love and lost lovers. My stories are precious to me, they define me. So are yours, hold on to them, tend to them, care for them.  I am my stories, without them, there is very little left of the idea called me.

My Pot of Gold

Raj, please come out baby, there is a rainbow in the sky. Ya I see that, Its been a while Long while Raj, so long since we saw a rainbow! 18 years, its been 18 years since we saw a rainbow. Do you believe what they say? Yes I do Please! Don’t be so naive, its just grandma’s tale No I believe, I believe that there is a pot of Gold Offo! Then run behind it, tum bhi na! I did once, I chased a rainbow across the river, I found my Gold 18 years ago…. And you know what? What? She still shines as new.

The Birthday Present

Mom calling us to have Payasam Today was my mom's 60th birthday. The last birthday she would celebrate at office, for she retires this month end. Like all original Mallus, I am not with her, I am in a far away land doing god forsaken things to lend credence to what we call a "Job," and so is dad and Sis, all at different places.  I wished her in the morning and then I waited till noon to hear from her. She called at 3.00, quite emotional and said: "Thank you for the cake and the flowers, my colleagues had forgotten my birthday, your cake reminded them and they sang me a birthday song!"  Thank you Rajani (my sis) for prodding me to send the gift. That special woman in my life felt special today, away from family, but connected and cared for. The power of gifts is in what they do. delivered again. Thanks to them as well.  I wish I could be there with her today, thank God for the cake... and the flowers. Happy Birthday Mom.