She would not love me
Like I loved her.
There is a difference being a river
And a lake.
I would flow into her with a rush
Often, breaching banks
And she would wait for me
Behind the stark tapestry
Of brown buildings
And soot infested skylines
Behind the charade of city living
And the grey hush
From carpeted office floors
maestitia stands for, among other things, heartsore in latin.
Like I loved her.
There is a difference being a river
And a lake.
I would flow into her with a rush
Often, breaching banks
And she would wait for me
Behind the stark tapestry
Of brown buildings
And soot infested skylines
Behind the charade of city living
And the grey hush
From carpeted office floors
Behind the ever grinning insta posts
And the harangue of the tweets
Like a lake
She would wait for me
To fill her emptiness
In odd seasons
Of random loneliness.
Like a lake
She would wait for me
To fill her emptiness
In odd seasons
Of random loneliness.
maestitia stands for, among other things, heartsore in latin.
Image courtsey pinterest
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