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What made News?

20 Indian Soldiers martyred in border skirmish
China reports casualties too
(Big relief)
For our Sons who died
We killed too

Cameras to be fitted in Covid Hospital Wards
Says the Home Minister
Now we can record the dying
Sleeping with the dead

Migrants should be transported back home
Within 15 days
Rules the Hon' Supreme Court,
(Only) 75 days after the lockdown
Was first imposed

Sushant Singh Rajput hangs himself
He was 34
Who are you to call us lunatics
Asks Kangna in her Whatsapp post

Chennai count of deaths double
Clerical error blamed
Maharashtra deaths may double
A clerk is being identified
So that he or she may be blamed

Why is Telangana not testing
Asks a bewildered High Court
Bodies of two dead persons missing
Family seeking answers
And the State Home Minister says
These are difficult times
Such things happen
Next time, we will paste photos over the dead bodies
That way you can take a selfie
And pray that the one inside
Is your dad
Or your brother
Or the beggar
Who died of hunger
And no one noticed

Or the migrant
Who would not beg
And hence hanged himself


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