Why does it rain in little drizzles
And not just pour it's heart out
All at once and for all time, into all places
Into the roads the canals and the drains
And not just pour it's heart out
All at once and for all time, into all places
Into the roads the canals and the drains
Why does it not rain, like rain?
Why not just roar
And with a thunderous wail
Cause a cloudburst
Break a Dam
Deluge a city
Why does it not rain like rain?
If only I could think of you,
Just once
Instead of having to think
In drizzles and drops and sobs
And in between shadows
And all this chaos
If I could think of you
For the last time,
Like a cloudburst
And then
In one brilliant tragic flood
Be washed away and be gone
Forever, With all this slush
And all this mud.
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