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The Frenemy Within

I read Eli Shafaq's Forty Rules of Love a couple of months ago. It helped me understand a little more about the fights that wage in me. How I experience life has a lot to do with who I am. I am often surprised at the level of diversity that exists within the human race. Its like living in an ocean with each of  us being the only one of is kind. But amidst this insane diversity does run a common thread. There are everyday little things that strings together all of human race. Here goes my list:
  1. Words hurt more than broken bones. And such wounds take much longer to heal.
  2. Cancer is something that exists as a disease of the body as well as mind. Some thoughts, when left unattended, grow cancerous, kill.
  3. Love heals faster than the doctor. Leaves us stronger. Hatred infests deeper, lingers longer, manifests itself in unpredictable ways, and often is easier to nurture than love.
  4. Love is complicated. It can give way to hatred in a moment. Love is fragile, needs constant tending and protection.
  5. Fight among siblings are more common than often perceived. Generations of cousins have lived as strangers, separated by an instance of hatred spanning over a hundred years.
  6. Thoughtless words from loved ones hurt a million times more than concentrated armed attack by an army of haters.
  7. Everyone loves a genuine smile.
  8. Its truly impossible to explain love or hurt or anger or pride or esteem or any such words. They live in mysterious places within us, mostly not open to analysis in a lifetime.
  9. Death of near ones form craters in our soul. By the time we are old, we all will look like the Moon. Beautiful from a distance.
  10. There is a soul. It is the essence of life. I know that soul exists. I realized this when my grandma suddenly gained complete consciousness a day before she died and asked my sis... "Tell me, do I look beautiful?"
  11. Prayers of strangers are answered just a fast as those from our near and dear ones. The kingdom of God is not a kingdom, its a democratic republic. HE stamps all visas, denies none, includes all.
Do you have a list of your own? Share the same.


  1. This is a great list. I dont have a list of my own per se but I have thought about almost all of these points you mentioned.

    1. Thanks R. I agree. We all do. I just documented them so that I remember them myself. Thank you for the visit.

  2. I hope you won't mind my making it my list, too.


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