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I once knew a girl who would look at me as if I were the Creator and she my Creation. She was otherwise a very fiery spirit, always the one with most questions, always the one who had the last word. But when she was with me she went all silent, as if I were a black hole and every time we were around, she used to take shapes of things I love, she used to lose herself and become a part of me. For me, she used to become a muted doll. Exquisite to look at, amazing to drape around, awesome to sleep with, but slowly, a bore to wake up to.

I remember the first days of our relationship. I used to love Hard rock cafe and she was a Rolling Stone buff. I loved Meatloaf, and she was stuck with MJ. I used to quote Ayn Rand, and she would quote from the Manifesto. I loved this girl once, she was wonderfully different.

Two colors could blend to form a third one. We could have together become more than each other. And then one day she woke up from her slumber. It seems she found me with another doll draped around. She glowed and cursed and walked out in a huff. Her last words as she flung her keys on my face and packed her Elle and Diors were the ones I will never forget. I curse you. May your color remain BLACK!

In response to Midas by Raajii .

P.S. The use of black here is figurative. It is not used here with any racial connotation.


  1. Some of us lose ourselves in relationships to the extent that it is detrimental to the relationship. Nice write up :-)

    1. Thanks for the visit Raajii.I was trying to put to words Midas' version of your story ;)


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