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Disturbing the dead

Utramel Temple is the designated aboard for the soul of my grandmother to rest, until it is its turn to be born again. I went there today with my dad and my uncle, three people she loved beyond human reason. In Utramel rests some ten generations of elders of our family.

Its a small temple, a little unkempt, with very dense foliage in the boundaries. I asked my dad why they don't keep it clean? The "Kavu" is never cleared, he said. The dead are resting there, you don't want to disturb them, do you?

I don't know, I said. If my disturbing could bring grandma back, I would.

We walked back home, her two sons and her only grandson, together.


  1. Rajesh, Thanks for the insight here. I like your Father's caution.


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