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When I walk into the Night

All good things come to an end, until they begin again. I am not sure if there would be a sequel in this lifetime. I don’t even know if the crew would come together for another shoot. The universe that plots togetherness, plans the parting too.

I knew and so did you that the time we spent together, we would never relive again. As I spent those seasons in time with you, I freeze framed the best of you. In my fear of forgetting you, I frantically keep you alive in my blogs, my poems, my passionate debates on relationships and my ever increasing play-lists of yesteryear songs.

One day, when I walk into the night, I would lean on to your memories and they will carry me through. When I meet my maker, together, we shall say hello!


  1. Beautiful Rajesh - a reminder that we walk with people at different times of our lives - some longer than others.

  2. The implications of your BLOG today are subtle and moving. Thanks.

  3. I like your words, "I would lean on your memories..." They reminded me of a conversation with a friend.
    She had lost her mother a few months ago and commented that various things reminded her of her mother, made her cry, and made her sad. I asked her if they were good memories or bad ones. "Good," she said. I told her that I hoped that soon she would be able to smile when she thought of those things, and any tears would be sad from missing her mother,of course, but also happy tears that she had such nice memories.

  4. "All good things come to an end, until they begin again."
    A very optimistic ending to a phrase that everybody has said.


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