In losing you I retain
The best of you.
The best of you.
The memories that I cherish of you
Are not those that you dumped on me;
They are the memories
That I stole from you
The warmth that I feel when I think of you
Is removed from the ice-like breeze
That envelops me
When I am with you.
I find it difficult these days
To be with you.
In losing you I retain
The best of you.
Aug 28 2009
Are not those that you dumped on me;
They are the memories
That I stole from you
The warmth that I feel when I think of you
Is removed from the ice-like breeze
That envelops me
When I am with you.
I find it difficult these days
To be with you.
In losing you I retain
The best of you.
Aug 28 2009
From Life in a Multiverse